terça-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2011

5th single, the last one!

Hello my Cherries!
Olá Janners!!! XDDD
We have the name of the last "One single per month Saga" release!! XD
イエス (Iesu). This name is a bit confuse for me! It can be the Kanakana wright for the English word "Yes" or...it may have a deeper meaning like some kind of a Japanese reading for Yeshua the Aramaic name of Jesus! I really think it's a pun/quibble with both words! XD
Yasu is that kind of person that likes to travel between the porn and the sacred! XD

EDIT: The release date is January 18, 2012!! My birthday!!! Is there any better presente!!??? XDD

The other news is about a Mini Best Single and a DVD telling the ABC history, that will be avelable to rental. The TSUTAYA records will let it avilable in December 21!
The music in the Mini Album will be:

1.SPELL MAGIC (1st Single/2007.7.18)
2.Black Cherry (2nd Single/2007.9.26)
3.冬の幻  - Fuyu no Maboroshi (4th Single/2008.1.16)
4.眠り姫 - Nemuri Hime (7th Single/2009.2.18)
5.ピストル - Pistol (11th Single/2011.9.21)
6.シャングリラ - Shangri-la (12th Single/2011.10.19)

Ja Nee!!! XD

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